IELTS/OET Exam for NMBI nurses
What are IELTS or OET?
It is a requirement by the NMBI (Nursing and Midwifery board of Ireland) that internationally trained nurses and midwifes demonstrate their proficiency in the English Language.
As part of the registration process, you must complete IELTS (International English Testing system) or OET (Occupational English Test).
IELTS and OET consist of 4 sections Listening, Reading, Speaking and writing.
How does this affect my ability to Register with the NMBI?
It is important to note that you should only apply for your registration when you achieve the minimum scores for IELTS or OET.
For detailed information and guidance view this link.
The below table conveys the minimum levels which must be achieved in each section that are accepted by the NMBI:

What other Important Information will guide me?
• Test results must be less than two years old when applying for your registration.
• IELTS/OET results cannot be combined.
• One skill retake will not be accepted by the NMBI.
• IELTS Online or OET at home will not be accepted
• The IELTS/OET score will be independently verified by the NMBI.
• Test Report Form (TRF) or OET candidates number must be provided when completing the online overseas registration application.
• The Test Report Number (TRF) number is 15-18 characters which can be located at the bottom right-hand of your TRF. The OET candidate number is a 9-digit number which you will find under your name.