Promotion and Progression at TTM

We Support Your Career Development 100%
Did you know that 77% of TTM’s leadership team have been promoted internally? It’s an extraordinary statistic, and it’s because career progression is a cornerstone of TTM. There’s nothing we love more than seeing our #ttmTribe members learn, grow and move up in the business. It’s not just something we talk about, it’s stitched into the very fabric of our organisation - and we have the processes, policies and people in place to support this growth culture.

From the very beginning, TTM has lived its purpose of ‘Realising Potential’, and our whole organisation is geared around this, at every level - whether you’re a young graduate starting out with us or a seasoned sales person taking the next step in your career. Our Senior HR Business Partner, Samantha Slattery, describes what’s behind this thinking:
“We have always fostered a culture where people can grow WITHIN the company. This is really important to us as an organisation in the West of Ireland. We want people to stay, to invest in themselves, in the company and in their communities. We want them to reap the rewards of a successful career without having to move away.”
Recent figures released by Samantha’s team are certainly testament to the success of this approach. She explains that in the last year, 24% of the #ttmTribe have ‘Realised Their Potential’. This means they have either moved up to a more senior position or gained experience by crossing over to join another internal team - something TTM encourages to broaden each person’s skill base.
“These people have reached new goals, improved their salaries and embraced a wealth of new experiences. This is how careers are grown,” says Samantha.
How is This Achieved?
Career progression at TTM isn’t an ‘add on’ - it’s part of every person’s journey from day one. At the beginning of every year, each team member spends time with their manager to set their Goals and Objectives, or their ‘High 5s’ for that year. Then, together they develop a clear road map or ‘Personalised Learning Plan’ which clearly details how they’re going to attain those goals. This will include looking at which courses within our Training Programme might be beneficial. Each team member has a one-to-one with their manager every month, to see how they’re feeling about their development. In other words, progress is a conscious, planned, active choice - no one ever needs to feel they’re treading water.
“Whether you’re straight out of college and ready to start out, or a salesperson with years of experience in retail - you can find your progression journey at TTM.”
A New Training Programme.
To facilitate learning, we look forward to launching our 2023 TTM Training Programme, this is an annual programme carefully tailored each year to include the widest range of upskilling opportunities - available to everyone across the business.
Some of our courses include: Competency Interview Training, The Manager as a Coach, High-Performing Teams, Adaptable Leadership and Motivation and Understanding Personality Difference. Samantha elaborates:
“We constantly review our modules to make sure we’re catering to everyone’s needs. And if, as part of a person’s Learning Plan, a certain type of training is suggested which we don’t have - we will source it, whether this be in IT, finance - anything.”
In addition, TTM also support team members to study for the new BA (Hons) Degree in Recruitment Practice - introduced by the Employment and Recruitment Federation (ERF) in partnership with the National College of Ireland. The degree course gives important new recognition and credence to recruitment as a career. We currently have four team members studying for the degree and each student spends one full day each week in college while receiving a full salary from TTM. In addition, the cost of the degree course is fully-covered by the company. This makes it a very accessible and very valuable TTM growth opportunity.
Supporting the Development of Women
Gender balance is also a key part of our approach to the support and development of our people. 50% of our leadership team is women, and of this number, 78% are working mothers.
“I’m so proud of these figures. They speak volumes about how we are putting our values into action,” says Samantha.
In the Words of #TTMTribe Members:

“There is such fantastic training available for new starters. And it’s great that you don’t need recruitment experience behind you to succeed. Progression routes have always been outlined for me, and I have moved from Talent Acquisition Specialist to Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist and now Associate Recruitment Consultant. I have grown my teamwork and communication skills, and I have developed so much personally. I am also currently completing the ERF recruitment degree - thanks to TTM.”
- Alena Ovchinnikova, Associate Recruitment Consultant

“TTM is a supportive, progressive organisation that really does value its people - giving them the opportunity to start and build a career with a defined career path. Learning and development is front and centre of all we do at TTM and advancing your career is discussed early on in an employee’s journey. Everyone’s journey is different and is mapped out, with an understanding of each person’s individual motivations and aspirations. For me, being supported at different stages of my life personally, while having the desire to progress professionally, was so important - and has seen me move from Principal Consultant (Nursing Division) to Team Leader, Sales Manager Permanent Ireland Division and now Business Manager. My people management skills have specifically developed, as I’ve come to understand the difference between leading and managing. I’ve learned how best to use coaching skills in my work, and my commercial awareness in general has really expanded.”
- Louise Dwyer, Business Manager

“At TTM I’ve progressed from Accounts Assistant to Part-Qualified Financial Accountant. I feel TTM gives its people the correct tools they need from day one - so they can develop and climb their own career ladder. If you want your career to blossom, the company will give 110% of its resources to help you achieve this. We’re encouraged to study and take up courses in order to progress, but I also believe working in our Finance team with colleagues that are top of their field provides invaluable experience: I’m literally learning and developing every day. Another highlight for me has been the implementation of a new Finance system, growing my knowledge so that I can develop and deliver. My confidence in decision-making has grown, as has my ability to work alone. I think I know myself better too, which helps me know others.”
- Patrick Coleman, Accounts Assistant

“I have progressed from Talent Acquisition Specialist to Consultant, Senior Consultant and Team Leader - and now Sales Manager. In 2019 I developed and was able to lead out a new division within the company. This has become an important area of support to our partners, and a career highlight for me. I have developed in so many ways; I’m more confident in my own abilities and my interpersonal skills with colleagues, clients and candidates have advanced. My advice? Be open to every new opportunity and learning - that’s how you progress each day and realise your potential.”
- Dylan Broderick, Sales Manager
Find YOUR Progress
With 61 new people joining TTM in the last year alone, TTM currently has a team of 145 and this figure is growing all the time. Last year our Open Day was our biggest ever, and we’re looking forward to doing it again in 2023.
If you’re interested in finding out how you could progress at TTM, talk to us today. We have opportunities across the company, to match whatever point you’re at in your career.