Dr Waqar Shah

Dr Waqar Shah is currently working as consultant Emergency Medicine in Tipperary University Hospital and has over 17 years of experience working in Emergency Medicine including ten years as consultant in Emergency Medicine in Ireland as well as UK.
He Graduated from Pakistan and came to Ireland in 2001. He initially did his associate fellowship and training in general surgery with Royal College of Surgeons Ireland. Then he moved to Emergency Medicine and did five years of specialist training in Emergency medicine in training posts throughout some of the best teaching hospitals and trauma centres in Ireland. He obtained his certificate of completion of specialist training in Emergency Medicine from Royal College of Surgeons Ireland and obtained his Fellowship in Emergency Medicine by examination from the Royal College of Emergency Medicine UK.
He has special interest in Disaster medicine and did his masters in Disaster Medicine from CRIMEDIUM centre in Italy and Brussels.
He is currently involved with training and supervising specialist registrars and core trainees in emergency medicine in Ireland. He is part of the faculty for airway workshop for core trainees in emergency medicine with Royal College of Surgeons. He is also the trainer and examiner for final year medical school in University of Limerick Ireland.
He is also ATLS and ACLS instructor. He has been extensively involved with education and training of junior doctors to progress onto the specialist register in EM either through training programmes or alternative routes.
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